Legal Blog

Protected Persons’ Rights and Freedoms Under Guardianship

Guardianship is a legal arrangement that grants an individual or entity the authority to make decisions on behalf of someone who is incapacitated or unable to make decisions independently. While guardianship provides essential protection and support for individuals in need, it’s essential to understand that

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Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements in Massachusetts

When it comes to safeguarding assets and interests in marriage, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are invaluable tools. Understanding the significance of these agreements in protecting financial security and peace of mind is crucial. Prenuptial Agreements: Anticipating the Future Prenuptial agreements, commonly known as prenups, are

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The Need For Savings & Alimony Orders

When one thinks of alimony under Massachusetts, one general thinks about the ability of the Payor to pay and the needs of the Recipient to receive alimony. The ability to pay is determined by the income and expenses (and occasionally assets) of the Payor and

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Protected Persons’ Rights and Freedoms Under Guardianship

Guardianship is a legal arrangement that grants an individual or entity the authority to make decisions on behalf of someone who is incapacitated or unable to make decisions independently. While guardianship provides essential protection and support for individuals in need, it’s essential to understand that

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Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements in Massachusetts

When it comes to safeguarding assets and interests in marriage, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are invaluable tools. Understanding the significance of these agreements in protecting financial security and peace of mind is crucial. Prenuptial Agreements: Anticipating the Future Prenuptial agreements, commonly known as prenups, are

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The Need For Savings & Alimony Orders

When one thinks of alimony under Massachusetts, one general thinks about the ability of the Payor to pay and the needs of the Recipient to receive alimony. The ability to pay is determined by the income and expenses (and occasionally assets) of the Payor and

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